* مقالاتي السابقة عن أيام الملتقى الأول و الثاني و الثالث
واليكم أبرز نشاطات المدونين العراقيين المشاركين في الملتقى:
موقع الجزيرة نت: المدونون العرب: نعمل للتغيير
واليكم أبرز نشاطات المدونين العراقيين المشاركين في الملتقى:
شوارع عراقية في الملتقى الثالث للمدونين العرب
في مؤتمر عقد في تونس تحت عنوان الملتقى الثالث للمدونين العرب في 3 من اكتوبر 2011 شاركت مدونة شوارع عراقية لتمُد جسور التواصل مع الشوارع العربية وقد حضر عن المدونة:
1- أحد مؤسسي الموقع حيدر حمزوز واليكم تفاصيل اليوم الأول بقلم حمزوز:http://www.hamzoz.com/archives/1182
موقع الجزيرة نت: المدونون العرب: نعمل للتغيير
النضال الإلكتروني
من جهته ذكر المدون العراقي حيدر حمزة للجزيرة نت "أن الملتقى مثل فرصة للتعرف على تجارب مدوني الربيع العربي للاستفادة منها وكذلك لتقديم خبراتنا التي عشناها في بلدنا ونحن الذين نعتبر العراق في مرحلة ثورة دائمة".
Iraqi blogger and social media activist Hayder Hamzoz (@Hamzoz) emphasized the benefits of learning from his predecessors and peers at the meeting. “Blogging is still very young in Iraq… At this event, I can ask bloggers from Tunisia and Egypt about their experiences… The problem in Iraq isn’t censorship, it’s the possibility that someone will just come to your house and shoot you in order to silence you,” he said.
Hayder Hamzoz is a graphic designer and blogger from Baghdad, Iraq. He collaborates on the blog Iraqi Streets 4 Change, which talks about some of the current events including recent protests in the country. Hayder also is a prolific citizen and social media trainer, and has been involved with several programs teaching Iraqi women how to use technology tools. You can follow him on Twitter (@Hamzoz).
2- Dina Najem: http://www.iraqigirl2010.blogspot.com
Iraqi blogger Dina Nejm, is seen during the closing of the third Arab Bloggers Conference in Tunis, Tunisia, on 06 October 2011. According to media sources, hundreds of bloggers from across the Arab world started on 03 October a conference to discuss the role of cyberactivism in in countries that are making the transition to democracy. The conference, which runs through Thursday, is the third such gathering of Arab bloggers since 2008 but the first since the ongoing Arab Spring of revolutions began in Tunisia last December. The meeting comes amid speculation that this year's Nobel Peace Prize could go to a blogger from an Arab Spring country. EPA/STR < 연합뉴스 모바일앱 다운받기 > < 포토 매거진 > < 저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지. >
Dina Najm, an Iraqi blogger added: “It is expected that we, the Arabs, should support the Palestinians since we already know what they are going through, I was looking forward to meet some fellow bloggers from Palestine but unfortunately my hopes did not see light”.
3- Noof Assi:
"مرحى للتغيير"
Noof Assi, an ardent activist and blogger in Iraq was there to learn and share her own experience about what was happening in her country. Since months, protests have been taking place on Fridays to express the population’s discontent with the status quo of the country, which, indeed, was supposed to overcome its ‘democratic transition’ after years of dictatorship. Noof asserts that they are exposed to more than one dictatorship because of the delicate situation with the current government as well the American ‘occupation’. Her fervent desire to see a better Iraq was ignited and she even proposed that the next Arab Bloggers Meeting should take place in Iraq.
كما شارك المدونين العراقيين زملائهم العرب في إدانة إقصاء المدونين الفلسطينيين من المشاركة في الملتقى بعد ان منعتهم الحكومة التونسية من الدخول وأقام المدونون حملة تواقيع للاستنكار.
وأشكر كل المدونين الذين تفاعلوا معي لنصرة المدونين الفلسطينيين والقضية الفلسطينية.
الملتقى الثالث للمدونين العرب تونس arab bloggers meeting