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السيد رئيس جامعة نينوى يلتقي بالطلاب الذين اجتازوا الاختبار الاول في مسابقة HUAWEI |
وحصل الفائزون في هذه المسابقة على فرصة السفر إلى الصين في نهاية الشهر الحالي، ليكملوا الجولة الأخيرة من المسابقة بالتنافس مع المؤهلين من مختلف أرجاء العالم وليخضعوا إلى تدريب على يد أبرز الرؤساء التنفيذيين في مقر "هواوي" في شنزن.
وسجل الطالب أسامة ماهر من جامعة نينوى - كلية هندسة الالكترونيات أعلى درجة في الأختبار الذي جرى في رحاب كلية الهندسة / جامعة بغداد وتلاه زميله عثمان أحمد من نفس الكلية في المركز الثاني فيما حل في المركز الثالث الطالب يوسف ابراهيم اسماعيل من الجامعة العراقية - كلية الهندسة، كما مبين في الجدول أدناه:
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نتائج الإختبار الثاني لمسابقة Huawei ICT Skill Competition Middle East 2017 |
3 Iraqi students win the Huawei ICT Skills Competition
Huawei has announced that three Iraqi students have won the recently held ICT Skills 2017 competition, including universities in several Middle Eastern countries.
The competition for university and school students aims to explore and develop the region's most promising ICT talent. The winners of the competition were given the opportunity to travel to China at the end of this month, completing the final round of the competition by competing with qualified people from around the world and being trained by the chief executives of Huawei headquarters in Shenzhen.
The competition was launched in cooperation with Huawei, the Ministry of World Education and Scientific Research and the Chinese Embassy in Iraq. Commenting on the launch of the competition, Professor Salah Al Nuaimi, the representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research said: "This competition will play a very important role in empowering Promising Iraqi youth and provide them with the skills and knowledge needed to lead the ICT sector in Iraq, in conjunction with the efforts of the Iraqi government to develop the ICT infrastructure and launch the digital transformation process in the country. " Of the 420 Iraqi students from 15 universities in the competition, 30 students passed the tests and qualified for the final stage at the level of Iraq, went to the stage of international qualifiers only three students, two of them from the University of Nineveh and one of the Iraqi University.
"The Huawei ICT Skills Competition is the best example of the close cooperation between Iraq and China, and we are pleased today to offer the same opportunity to the most promising talents of Iraqi youth," said Qin Weicheng, China's ambassador to Iraq.
Huawei will make an exceptional trip to the company's global headquarters in Shenzhen, where they will have a rich opportunity to meet the leading figures in this leading ICT brand. The winners will also learn about Huawei's experience in telecommunications, corporate and consumer products.