
الجامعة اللبنانیة الفرنسیة LFU launch IT e-Magazine - 1st Issue

Department of Information Technology (IT) was launched the first issue of (IT e-Magazine) at the following link:

About Magazine
The growth of Information Technology has been phenomenal since the middle of the 21 century. It has affected all aspects of life in one way or another. 
So the objective of this magazine is to disseminate information on the application of IT and to be a platform for discussing its benefits and its impact on society. 

We welcome articles which analyze the impact of these IT applications on its community and which elaborate on their implementation issues.

The criteria for selecting articles for the magazine include: the subject area of the article; new ideas about applications and implementation techniques; how well the information is presented; level of interest to other readers; and, the importance to the IT community. All articles will be subject to a reviewing procedure.

Hopefully, contributions to this magazine will help direct society towards a more beneficial use of IT.

Readers of IT e-magazine are invited to submit their articles (to that are consistent with the objective of this magazine for publishing in the future issues.

 - Submissions due: 8th of the Month
 - Author notification: 10th of the Month 
 - Publish date: 15th of the Month

IT e-Magazine Template (Download)

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