
Call to cover Social Good Summit event via real-time blogging, tweeting, and on-the ground reporting in Arabic

Call for Applications - Social Good Summit Fellowship Program
Posted by Samantha Powell on August 12, 2014

YPFP is partnering with the United Nations Foundation on the 2014 Social Good Summit. This year’s Summit, held during UN week, focuses on the power of social media, innovation, and technology to solve our world's greatest issues. YPFP is assembling a select group of Social Good Summit Fellows to cover the event via real-time blogging, tweeting, and on-the ground reporting in four global languages: Russian, Chinese, Hindi, and Arabic.

The Social Good Summit Fellowship program will take place in New York City, from September 21-22, to coincide with the convening of the 2014 Social Good Summit. In conjunction with the +SocialGood partners and the Social Good Summit at large, fellows will help amplify some of the most important discussions taking place throughout the week. 

The theme of the 2014 Social Good Fellowship will reflect the theme of this year’s Social Good Summit “#2030 Now: Connecting for Good, Connecting for All” and will be a deeper dive into some of the issues that will be addressed on the main stage at this year’s Social Good Summit.  Programming will include in depth conversations led by climate experts, Social Good Summit Partners, world explorers and some of the most influential thought leaders today with a special focus on the post 2015 agenda.

The 2014 Social Good Summit

The Social Good Summit is an annual convening that incorporates voices and points of view from major influencers around the world around the biggest issues facing the globe today.  These voices should be diverse and have vast reach.  The various fellowships to take place this year during the Social Good Summit will bring together a diverse set of people who are expert communicators whose purpose will be to amplify our work in their native tongues and throughout their globally networked communities around the world. 

+SocialGood Master Class

The Social Good Master Class series will take place in New York City, from September 21-22, to coincide with the convening of the 2014 Social Good Summit. In conjunction with the +SocialGood partners, these meetings will help set the agenda and set the stage for one of the most important discussions about the big, long-term questions and the opportunities that exist to turn them into opportunities in our new media, digital era.

The fellowship includes:

All-access to this year’s history making Social Good Summit (Sep 21-22)
Access to special invite-only Masterclass morning programming (Sept 21-22)
A chance to join special small setting roundtable discussions led by Social Good Summit partners, innovators and experts.
A chance to have your viewpoint published on the +SocialGood blog.
Networking opportunities with global leaders and change-makers. 
Connect with other industry-leading bloggers in the Digital Media Lounge.
Fellowship requirements:

Applicants must have experience in writing blog posts or journalistic writing.
Applicants must have a solid and active following on twitter or other appropriate social media related outlets.
Applicants must be proficient in Russian, Chinese, Hindi, or Arabic. You do not have to be a native speaker of the language to apply.
Fellows will be required to join the +SocialGood community (It’s free and easy to join)
Fellows will be required to submit at least 4 blog posts in their native language.
Fellows will be required to live tweet the masterclass and socialgood summit on the 21 and 22 to create a minimum of 10 tweets per day in the fellows native language
Fellows must be available to attend the opening reception and both days of the summit in its entirety
Fellows must share an interest in YPFP’s mission to foster the next generation of foreign policy leaders.
Fellows must be available to attend three virtual and/or in-person meetings that will be held in September, leading up to the Social Good Summit.
To apply, please submit the following:

A short description on why you would like to attend the UN Foundation Social Good Summit, written in English (200 word maximum)
A personal reflection on how you think technology can  connect people for social good, written in your foreign language (400 word maximum)
A blog post written in your foreign language. Please feel free to be as creative as possible, write a new blog post, or use one you’ve written in the past.
Your professional handles/usernames on any of the following networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, YouTube, Flickr, Instagram, Tumblr, Storify
Submit all documents in Microsoft Word of PDF format to by 5:00 PM EST on Friday, August 29th. 


September 20

Opening reception for fellows, networking, intros

6:00-9:00 pm – Location TBD

DAY 1: September 21

Day one of the Masterclass will look at the post 2015 agenda and will allow fellows to learn about how the UN is looking past the Millennium Development Goals towards a new framework.  Fellows will learn about how new innovations, entrepreneurship, global partnerships and technological advances are playing a role in the development of this post 2015 process. The afternoon will comprise of several high level briefings of Social Good Summit and UN Foundation partners.

8:00-11:00 – Masterclass

12:00-6:00 – SocialGood Summit

DAY 2: September 22

Day two of the Masterclass will focus on climate, energy and sustainability.  Fellows will have the opportunity to learn about various issue areas that are effecting how we address changing climate and will hear about sustainable solutions that will look towards 2030 and beyond.  This 360 degree approach to learning about climate will bring in practitioners to talk about everything from climate communications to clean cookstoves to innovators to the future of urbanization and its impact on the world.  A special climate panel will preview the Climate Summit which will begin the next day. The afternoon will comprise of several high level briefings of Social Good Summit and UN Foundation partners.

8:00-11:00 – Masterclass – Hotel Wales, 1295 Madison Ave, New York, NY

12:00-6:00 – SocialGood Summit – 92nd Street Y, New York, NY

August 29, 2014 at 5pm - 6pm
Social Good Summit 
New York City, NY 
United States 
Google map and directions
Richard Bobo ·

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