ديناركوين DinarCoin على أعتاب الإعلان عنه يوم 15 نيسان 2014 ونحن ندعو الجميع للمشاركة ودعم هذا الحدث التاريخي من خلال شراء حصة من ديناركوين DinarCoin وتشجيع من حولكم على أن يحذو حذوكم. هدفنا إحداث فرق في الحياة, والسعي لتحقيق الصالح العام للجميع، ونحن نقدر كل الذين يدعمونا في ما نصبو اليه في مجال الصرافة الرقمية.
تأكد من الحصول على حصتك من ديناركوين DinarCoin اليوم, ويمكنك البدء بالشراء من خلال C-CEX للصرافة.
In order to buy DinarCoin, you must have Bitcoin or a Payeer Account where you can use USD! If you already have cryptocurrency, you may transfer it to https://c-cex.com and exchange for DinarCoin. If you need Bitcoin, go to coinbase or any other site you wish.
Iraq and the entire middle east is oil rich and one of the fastest growing enconomies in the world. DinarCoin is a way for cryptocurrency investors and Middle East currency speculators to show their support and confidence in both. DinarCoin is a de-centralized cryptocurrency that is not associated with the Central Bank of Iraq or any Middle Eastern nation.
DinarCoin is on the cusp of a very wonderful and important announcement! On April 15, 2014 we are going to be donating a large sum of DinarCoins to a prominent humanitarian agency that many of you have heard about and may even be familiar with. The announcement of this organization will be made shortly. Please be patient while we iron out a few of the sweet details.
We are calling this earmark event, the eDrop, also known in certain circles as an Air Drop. We are hoping that many supporters will come forward to back this historical event by purchasing their share of DinarCoin and encouraging those around them to do the same. Our goal and vision is to make a sincere difference in the lives of each other as well as those around us who may not be as fortunate as we might be.
At DinarCoin, we believe in the greater good for everyone, and we appreciate those who support us in what our cryptocurrency stands for. This eDrop event at the launch of our cryptocoin is a solid effort to start our philanthropic strategies and ensure that our priorities are kept in check in the global picture.
Be sure to obtain and reserve your very own portion of DinarCoin. You can start by making your purchase today at C-Cex Exchange today!
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