
لقاء ومعرض بيهانس بغداد ‪#‎BehanceBaghdad‬ Portfolio Rreview

مدونة أحمد عبد الكاظم العسكري : لقاء ومعرض بيهانس Behance Baghdad Portfolio Rreview

لأول مرة في العراق وبغداد لقاء ومعرض بيهانس الذي يجمع المصممين والفنانين حول العالم, يوم 8 نوفمبر ٢٠١٤ الساعة 09:00 صباحاً.

مجالات المشاركة:
- تصميم جرافيك
- رسم ديجتل
- تصميم ويب
- تصوير
- تصميم معماري
- الخط

- تسجيل عبر الرابط
- اذا كنت لاتملك حساب على بيهانس أنشئ حساب وحمل أعمالك
- يتطلب التسجيل امتلاكك حساب على بيهانس ونشر نماذج من اعمالك عليه
كن بالقرب وتابع الحدث على فيس بوك

BēhanceBaghdad Take Creative Control & Make Ideas Happen.
‪#‎BehanceReviews‬ ‪#‎BehanceBaghdad‬

Behance Baghdad Portfolio Rreview

Bēhance portfolio review week

Twice annually, Behance presents Portfolio Review Week, an unprecedented series of volunteer-organized events that has spread to hundreds of cities internationally, with a goal of bringing together creative professionals.

Portfolio Review Week was born of a simple wish: to bring our thriving online community into offline spaces, where creatives can sit side-by-side, sharing their work and developing their craft. These events provide invaluable exposure for creatives, as well as the chance to learn new tricks of the trade from their peers and our experienced guest speakers.

What happens at a Portfolio Review Event?

- Curated Speaker

Events kick off with a talk focused on building a creative career.

- The Portfolio Reviews

Attendees break into small groups to present work and get feedback.

- Mingle, Network & Drinks

Stick around to mingle and connect with your peers and industry leaders.

Bēhance Baghdad Goals:

- Twelve hours of limitless creativity in one day (9:00 am – 9:00 pm).

- Promote Iraqi creatives professionals internationally.

- Build network between these creatives and business leaders in the community, which will develop the creativity level in business community.

- Contribute to the reconstruction of Baghdad as a capital of creativity in the Middle East.

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