مدونة "مرأة عراقية" Hiba Jameel "soul with wings"

المدونة هبة زياد جميل تقول عن نفسها: 
عراقية اؤمن ان رسالتي في هذا العالم هي ايصال صوت العراقيين الى العالم وتغيير حياة الناس الى الافضل لذا بدأت باستعمال ما لدي من وسائل لإحداث هذا التغيير ومشاركة العالم حياتي والكنوز التي جمعتها والتي لازلت اجمعها مع العالم، انا اؤمن ان اخطر آفة تنخر مجتمعنا هي الجهل، ولكوني امرأة في مجتمع ذكوري اخترت ان استعمل الوسيلة المتاحة لي لمحاربته والارتقاء بالمستوى الانساني وهي المدونة.

My name is Hiba Zeyad Jameel, I am an Iraqi I believe that my massage in this world is to make the voice of Iraqis reach the world and to change people lives to the better, therefore; I started utilizing ehat media I have to make this difference and to share my life and the treasures I have and still collecting with the world , I believe that the most dangerous disease in our society is IGNORACE, and being a woman in a male dominated society, i chose to utilize what I have to defeat ignorance and to develop human life levels

Hiba has "iraqi woman" blog too http://evejameel.blogspot.com

and she said in "soul with wings" blog http://soulwithwings.blogspot.com/
Since a young age, I discovered that my soul is with no limits, it reached places so far while her physical component ( my body) stood still. I had many movement obstacles, social, cultural, political. Iraq ( where I live) has been controlled by Saddam, then after he has gone in 2003, we were under the mercy of terror and political instability so it was almost impossible for me to travel. But, my soul travelled so many places and I would love to share my journey with you to help enable your souls as well to have wings and travel to help make our world a better place. 

One example to my journey, is while I was sitting in my room, I participated in a demonstration in Colombia for labor day in 2008, I have helped translating slogans and cries for freedom, against any fashism and injustice, I saw my words flying in Colombia's street and my name is called while I was sitting in my home in Baghdad. And so on. 

My blog is not political, my blog touches your soul and give it wings as well to help our world be a paradise and we all live in love, peace and harmony.

3 تعليقات

  1. لا تقل مدون عراقى , اردن أو مصرى بل مدون عربى فلا حواجز ولا موانع ولا نعرات فكلنا عرب ارادنا الاعداء متفرقين لذا فانا ارفض مسميات وحدود هم واضعيها , المهم اينما كنت انا عربى , اعتز بعروبتى , عراقى عندما اكون بالعراق وانا عربى

  2. i agree
    we have minds
    it's lethal weapons

  3. ولماذا لا تقول مسلمينفهو الولى واكرم

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